Saturday 25 August 2012

Communication as I see it

To define communication in simple language, it is the process of getting your message across to others clearly and  thus effective communication means doing this process efficiently without much ambiguity.In today's fast world, effective communication definitely has high importance in every aspect of our lives,be it at out work place or among st friends or when dealing with the outside world in general.

 Personally,I feel that I need to improve on a lot of areas inorder to become a better communicator.For example , I have the tendency to take control of a conversation be it with a group of people or with a particular person .Thus, I want to improve on my active listening skills so that I can hold my audiences for longer periods of time. I also find myself in situations where I cannot that accurate when it comes to conveying a particular message and so I tend to drag the conversation much longer than needed. Moreover,I have always had an  initiation problem when it comes to talking with people I have never spoken to before.As I recall the experiences of my first class in es2007s , at first I was given a sheet to fill stuff by interacting with my classmates and for sometime I din't know who to approach because I honestly did not know how to start a conversation with any of my classmates.

On the other hand ,I feel that when I talk, I have the ability to get  the attention of my audience without much effort through  various verbal and non-verbal modes of communication such as my hand gestures or  the tone of my voice or my body language . I also have always been a confident speaker and I rarely have  experienced situations where I am at a loss for words or unsure of what I am saying.Also, I always manage to convey my emotions about the topic effectively.

Nevertheless, I feel that I have little experience when it comes to formal communication such as interviews or peer teachings .I really want to know what it feels like to be on both sides of the table.In a nut shell , I am keen to know how it feels to be the interviewer and the interviewee .

I would like to reiterate the fact that effective communication is indeed one of the key skills that everyone  wants .Naturally ,I  also want to improve and so I do hope that by the end of this module I manage to become a better communicator.